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Business Phone Service Comparison: Cost and Benefits

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VoIP Telephone Systems

Many modern organisations are now choosing to switch from traditional business telephone lines to digital VoIP systems that carry data efficiently and effectively across an internet connection. VoIP has become even more popular recently in light of news that ISDN will be ‘switched off’ in 2025, affecting more than 3.2 million networks in the UK.

There has never been a better time to consider VoIP.

What is voIP?

VoIP stands for ‘voice over IP’, which means that voice — and, in many cases, video — data is carried over an internet connection instead of a traditional telephone line. There are a number of benefits of VoIP for businesses of all sizes which are typically not offered with a standard telephone system.

While VoIP is most definitely an exciting and fast-emerging digital communications technology, it doesn’t have to be tricky or challenging. In fact, many VoIP providers offer a wide range of handsets that look and behave much like a regular telephone, with the added benefit of extra features and functions. Using VoIP systems can be even easier if you opt for a hosted service, where the system is maintained and monitored by the provider. All you need to do is pay a monthly fee for utilizing the contemporary service.

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How Does VoIP Work?

The way VoIP works is remarkably simple. The system creates data packets from analogue signals which can then be transported digitally over an internet connection.

The most beneficial aspect is that these data packets can quickly be converted back into analogue signals at the other end of the network. This means that VoIP cannot only be used to communicate with other VoIP systems or apps, like Skype, but also with traditional telephone lines, too. This gives you the flexibility to communicate however you like.

Are You VoIP-Ready in May 2024?

You don’t need much to get started with VoIP, but many businesses find that handsets can be beneficial. However, it is very important to consider your existing internet connection and think about whether it’s adequate enough to support VoIP. When using VoIP and video, upload speeds are equally as essential as download speeds, so a symmetrical connection is generally recommended.

Business broadband in some areas can be adequate but a leased line is the best type of connection you can get for reliability. In terms of speed, popular VoIP app Skype advises a connection between 2Mbps and 8Mbps for group video conferencing. Reliability is also key, which is why a dedicated leased line is most suited for businesses using VoIP.

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VoIP Benefits

There are many benefits of voIP for businesses, and these are benefits that you can’t enjoy with a traditional business telephone system. Here’s a quick glance at just some of the benefits of voIP:

  • Reduced Costs: By sending voice data across an internet connection, it’s possible to make significant savings for your business. In fact, reports suggest that businesses can save up to 90% off the cost of international calls, making voIP a great choice for global operations.
  • Improved Communications: ‘Real time’ communications have never been more important, which is leading the shift from email to voice/video. Whether it’s internal or external communications, utilising a voIP service can really help to improve contact and delivery.
  • Flexibility: At a time when every employee has the legal right to request flexible working hours, and at a time when remote working is becoming increasingly popular, voIP ‘softphones’ enable employees to make and receive calls from wherever, whenever, with an internet connection.
  • Recruitment: Research shows that many HR departments are failing to make use of the latest recruitments practices which could save time and money. voIP allows for detailed video interviews to take place remotely, removing the need for an initial onsite assessment.

Thanks to the diversity of voIP systems and services, these benefits can be an advantage to businesses of all sizes, right through from startup enterprises to large, global corporations. In fact, any business which relies upon communications — whether that’s communications with employees, clients, customers, suppliers, investors, or anyone else — can benefit from switching to voIP from a traditional phone line.

Business Phone Service Providers

There are a number of voIP service providers in the UK, so how do you choose one that’s right for your business? There are a few factors to take into account that can make your decision easier. Consider whether or not a provider offers handsets suitable for your business, how easy the system is to use, the cost of the service and any necessary hardware, and whether staff training is included as standard. If you need help, we’ll help you compare voIP systems and business telephones, ensuring you find a solution that meets your business needs, both now and in the future as your business continues to grow.

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